The custom taskbar design to use with MyWinTiles to properly show the current workspace.
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MyWinBar is the custom taskbar to be use with MyWinTiles.
It show information about workspaces, what window is currently on focus, battery status and current time. The solely purpose is to make it easy to use MyWinTiles.
Making an ideals desktop environment consists of these stuff.
- Window manager : MyWinTiles
- Bar : MyWinBar
- App Launcher : Wox
Technical Challenge
Win32 API is huge…
You can get lost in information if you don’t know what you’re looking for.
Well, I know this is about Windows Shell & Desktop Environment.
After skimming through the document, I found exactly what I’m looking.
Windows call it “application desktop toolbar” (or appbar), this docs has everthing I need to know.
The thing is, this is not an usual application.
That’s why there is less information about this stuff on any forum.
I have to tell the Windows Explorer Shell to reserve some space on the screen for the custom taskbar. To prevent any normal application overlap on this custom taskbar.
Without the docs above, this is simply not possible.
Communication with MyWinTiles
I need interprocess communication (IPC) to make MyWinTiles and MyWinBar talk to each other.
Socket is way overkill for this task, So I use Data Copy.
I encode the information about workspace status as a bit to send the data in one go, avoid any race condition to occur.
All I need is 2 bytes, first 6 bits is for the current workspace. 10 bits after that is a bool flag status of whether or not workspace currently have atleast 1 window.
To get the information, simply use bitwise.
Shift bit to the right by 10 to get the current workspace. Use AND operation to get the bool flag.
With win32 api magic and simple bitwise, I can make a custom taskbar.
This thing is useless on its own, It need MyWinTiles to function.