The entry for Ludum Dare 43 .
The 4 players party game. Each player must catch and throw each other to the roaster to gain the point within the time imit.



other member:
Chusak Tan (technical artist)
Jetniphat Likhitwatthanasakun (artist)
Pattarawut Jarupramote (artist)
Panawat Khumgun (artist)

responsible: game system



This time, I manage to form a load of people with just an online jam.
It’s still fun, but getting less sleep as always.

Technical Challenge

Like most of the jame, challenge is to implement stuff with limited time (72 hours).
The first challenge of this game is to support 4 players.

Seconds is debug the core mechanics.
I spend too much time debugging about hit detection.

That’s why I don’t have enough time to make a keyboard support and join room support with less than 4 players.

Also, without a proper hit detection, player can carry other player up to 3 people…
(It should carry only one people at a time.)

why it can carry 3 people?

For some reason, I choose rigidbody instead of character controller for the player character.

I have to give a proper physics material to its rigidbody, the one that have friction set to zero to avoid character getting stuck to the wall.


Well, I pull this off somehow.
Not my best performance, but it still a fun party game.